CS456/556 - Internet Services Midterm Exam Study Guide

Test Format -

Study Material


  1. Chapter 1 - The Internet Has Arrived
  2. Chapter 2 - Getting Started: Hands-On Experience
  3. PART I    Introduction To Networking
  4. Chapter 3 - Telephones Everywhere
  5. Chapter 4 - The World Was Once Analog
  6. Chapter 5 - The Once and Future Digital Network
  7. Chapter 6 - Basic Communications
  8. Chapter 7 - The Local Area Network Arrives
  9. PART II    Brief History Of The Internet
  10. Chapter 8 - Internet: The Early Years
  11. Chapter 9 - A Decade of Incredible Growth
  12. Chapter 10 - The Global Internet
  13. Chapter 11 - A Global Information Infrastructure
  14. PART III    How The Internet Works
  15. Chapter 12 - Packet Switching
  16. Chapter 13 - Internet: A Network of Networks
  17. Chapter 14 - ISPs And Network Connections
  18. Chapter 15 - IP: Software To Create A Virtual Network
  19. Chapter 16 - TCP: Software For Reliable Communications
  20. Chapter 17 - Clients + Servers = Distributed Computing
  21. PART IV    Services Available on The Internet
  22. Chapter 20 - Electronic Mail
  23. Chapter 21 - Bulletin Board Services (Network News)
  24. Chapter 22 - Browsing The World Wide Web
  25. Chapter 23 - World Wide Web Documents (HTML)
  26. Chapter 24 - Advanced Web Technologies
  27. Chapter 25 - Automated Web Search (Search engines)
  28. Chapter 27 - Faxes and Files (FTP)
  29. Chapter 28 - Remote Login and Remote Desktops (TELNET)
  30. Study Guide for Book
  31. Traveler's Guide to the Internet
  32. Creating an HTML Document
  33. Guides and Tools to Writing HTML Documents
  34. Unix Commands

Terms / Concepts

InternetINTERNET SERVICES!!!!TCP/IP Internet Protocol Suitetelecommunications
analog/digital communicationsASCIILANWAN
ARPANETbackbone networkmodemTCP/IP
RFCsOpen SystemsprotocolsUNIX
IABIETFIP addressesDomain Names
packet switchingroutersCSU/DSUe-mail
headersdiscussion groupsBBSsNetwork News
bandwidth throttlingbinary digit (bit)firewallISP
intranetextranetExchange ServerFrontpage
ApacheUnixanonymous useraccess permission
connectiondirectory browsingevent loggingconnection timeout
binary encodingUNICODEparitychecksum
packetE-Ratededicated line (T-1, T-3)dial-up access
cable modemDSLwireless access technologyInternet Protocol (IP)
IP datagramUser Datagram Protocol(UDP)port numbersTransmission Control Protocol (TCP)
congestionclient-server computingdistributed computingpeer-to- peer network
secure shell (ssh)pinetracerouteping
JPEGGIFXMLCascading Style Sheets
JavaScriptsearch keycontents searchtitle search
plugin audio teleconferencebandwidthdocument markup
video teleconferencewhiteboard serviceanonymous FTPbinary file
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Created on ... April 16, 2001