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Chapter 25 - Automated Web Search (Search Engines)

  1. Introduction
  2. A Description Of Functionality
  3. Browsing Vs. Automated Searching
  4. A Search Tool Helps Users Get Started
    Because the Internet is vast, finding information on a given topic can be difficult. Automated search tools help users by finding a set of pages that contain information related to the topic.
  5. A Search Tool Can Help Recover From Loss
  6. Automated Searching By Name
  7. How An Automated Search Service Operates
    Because each search server gathers information and stores it on a local disk, the server does not need to search computers on the Internet when responding to a user's request.
  8. Modern Systems Search Web Page Contents
  9. How A Web Search Appears To A User
  10. How A Serach Service Returns Results
  11. Automated Search Services Use String Matching
  12. The Advantages And Disadvantages Of String Matching
  13. Advanced Search Programs That Use Multiple Keys
  14. Advanced Services Offer More Sophisticated Matching
    Because it has no intelligence, an automated search system cannot recognize common phrsases. Consequently, a user must be careful to remember that, unless otherwise specified, each word will be treated as an independent search item.
  15. Personalized Search Results
    Some search engines keep information about users and use the information to select and order search results. As a consequence, the personalized search results that a user obtains may differ from the results another user obtains for the same request.
  16. How An Automated Content Search Works
  17. Searches Are Restricted
  18. Examples Of Automated Search Services
    Search Sites
  19. Advertising Pays For Searching
  20. Significance Of Automated Web Search


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