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Chapter 26 - Audio And Video Communications

  1. Introduction
  2. Description Of Functionality
  3. Audio And Video Require Special Hardware: microphone, speaker (headphones), camera, high-speed processor, lots of storage
  4. An Audio Clip Resembles an Audio CD
  5. Real-Time Means No Delay
  6. Internet Audio in Real-Time
  7. Radio Programs On The Internet
  8. Real-time Transmission is Called Webcasting
  9. Internet Telephone Service is Possible
  10. Audio Teleconferencing
  11. A Cooperative Document Markup Service
  12. Marking A Document
    A whiteboard service is similar to a sheet of paper that all participants can see. Whenever a participant makes a change, all other participants see the change immediately.
  13. The Participants Discuss And Mark A Document
  14. Video Teleconferencing
  15. Video Teleconference Among Groups Of People
  16. A Combined Audio, Video, And WhiteBoard Service


  1. Sale or Lease of this site
  2. Streaming Multimedia on the Web
  3. NCSA Video Library
  4. Streaming Motion Video

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