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Chapter 27 - Faxes & File Transfer (FTP)

  1. Introduction
  2. Sending a Fax
    The Internet can be used to send a fax. Two fax machines can be modified to communicate across the Internet or a document can be sent from a computer to a fax machine. Because the Internet handles digital data efficiently, fax transmission across the Internet is often faster than conventional fax transmission.
  3. The Internet Can Be Used to Copy files
  4. Data Stored In Files
  5. Copying A File
  6. FTP Is Interactive
    The FTP program accepts a sequence of commands. to interact with a remote computer, a user must identify the computer and allow FTP to establish contact; the user terminates contact when he or she finishes using the remote computer.
  7. Example Commands: (~58 different commands- open, get, bye)
  8. A User Can Store Or Retrieve A File
  9. Commands For Binary And Text File Format (binary, ASCII)
  10. Choosing ASCII or Binary Transfer (use binary if unsure)
  11. Commands For Authorization And Anonymous FTP
  12. Listing The Contents Of A Remote Directory (dir ls)
  13. Example Use Of FTP
  14. Miscellaneous Commands (hash, bell)
  15. A Browser Can Use FTP
  16. How FTP Works
  17. Impact And Significance Of FTP


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