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Chapter 28 - Remote Login and Remote Desktops(TELNET)

  1. Introduction
  2. Early Computers Used Textual Interfaces
  3. A Timesharing System Requires User Identification
    A timesharing computer system permits multiple users to run programs simultaneously. Each user is assigned a login identifier and secret password; a user must enter the login identifier and password to use a terminal connected to the timesharing computer.
  4. Remote Login Resembles Conventional Login
  5. How Remote Login Works
  6. Escaping From Remote Login
  7. Displays And Windows
  8. Internet Remote Login Is Called TELNET
  9. Remote Access Can Display a Desktop
  10. How Remote Desktops Operate
    Virtual Network Computing
  11. Assessment Of Remote Login and Desktops
  12. Remote Login Provides General Access
  13. Generality Makes Remote Login and Desktops Powerful
  14. Remote Login Accommodates Multiple Types of Computers
    A remote login service allows a user at one site to interact with application programs that run on a computer at another site. The power of remote login arises because it allows remote access to application programs without requiring any changes to the programs themselves.
  15. Unexpected Results From Remote Access
    Users must remember that although a remote access service uses the display, keyboard, and mouse on the user's local computer, the application can only interact with the files and printers on the remote computer.


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