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Chapter 29 - Facilities For Secure Communication

  1. Introduction
  2. The Internet is Unsecure
    Because it uses technologies such as cable modems that allow a group member to eavesdrop on other group members' communication, the Internet is unsecure.
  3. Lack of Security Can Be Important
  4. Authentication and Privacy Are Primary Problems
    The term privacy refers to keeping data confidential. Communication across the Internet is private if only the sender and the intended recipient can read the message.
  5. Data May Be Changed
  6. Encoding Keeps Messages Private
  7. Computer Encryption Uses Mathematics
  8. No Network is Absolutely Secure
    Although no computer network is absolutely secure, modern encryption makes the task of decoding messages so difficult that a high speed computer will require years of computing to break a code.
  9. Encryption Makes E-mail Private
  10. Encryption Software Needs a Key
  11. Two Keys Means Never Having to Trust Anyone (public key / private key)
  12. Secure E-mail in Practice
  13. Is there a security problem in computing?


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