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Chapter 24 - Advanced Web Technologies

  1. Introduction
  2. Conventional Web Pages Are Static
  3. How A Server Stores Static Web pages
  4. Fetching Items One At A Time
  5. Conventional Web Pages Use The Entire Screen
  6. A Web Page Can Change Part Of The Screen
  7. The Web, Advertising, And Frames
  8. Static Documents Have Disadvantages
  9. Controlling How A Browser Processes Data
    A Web page can contain stored audio. When the user selects an item that corresponds to an audio clip, the user's browser plays the audio through the speakers or earphones attached to the computer.
  10. Plugins Allow Variety
  11. A Server Can Compute A Web Page On Demand
  12. How CGI Works
  13. Professional Programmers Build CGI Programs
  14. Personalized Web Pages
    Dynamic content technologies such as CGI allow a server to personalize pages by choosing items to display and the oreder in which to display them. Although it helps focus on items that interest a particular user, personalized content can make pages irreproducible
  15. Personalized Advertisements
  16. Web Pages Can Interact
  17. Shopping Carts
  18. Cookies
  19. Should You Accept Cookies?
    A cookie is a value that a browser and server exchange to identify you. Accepting cookies allows servers to tailor content and advertising to your tastes; rejecting cookies enforces anonymity.
  20. A Web Page Can Display Simple Animations
  21. Active Documents Are More Powerful
  22. Java Is An Active Document Technology
  23. JavaScript Is An Active Document Technology [JavaScript and Java are NOT the same]
  24. The Importance Of Advanced Web Technologies

  1. Advanced Publishing on the Internet
  2. Web Programming
  3. The Next Generation of Web Documents
  4. Advanced HTML
  5. Intel's Web Applet
  6. InsideDHTML
  7. Creating a Web Page using Microsoft Word
  8. Creating a Web Page using Homesite
  9. Creating a Web Page using Microsoft FrontPage


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