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Chapter 17 - Clients + Servers = Distributed Computing

  1. Introduction
  2. Large Computers Use Networks For Input and Output
  3. Small Computers Use Networks To Interact
    Because modern computer networks allow large or small computers to initiate interaction and to interact arbitrarily with other computers, we can use the term peer-to-peer networking. Distributed computing refers to any interaction among computers that share access to a peer-to-peer network.
  4. Distributed Computing On the Internet
  5. A Single Paradigm Explains All Distributed Computing
    • Programs communicate.
    • TCP/IP does not create or run application programs.
    • Computers can run multiple programs.

    Communication across the Internet always occurs between a pair of programs; one initiates a conversation (client), and the other must be waiting to receive it (server). Because a given computer can run more than one program (and more than one copy of the same program) at the same time, a single computer can appear to engage in multiple conversations simultaeously.
  6. Programs Are Client Or Servers [computers can be both, by having both client and server programs both running]
  7. A Server Must Always Run


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