CPSC 3118 - Graphical User Interfaces Programming Assignments - Spring 2013

January 10Lab1 - Vote Counter (java)  (doc)    (pdf)
January 17Lab2  – Hotel Room Selection (part 1)  (doc)    (pdf)
January 24Lab3  – Hotel Room Selection (part 2) (doc)    (pdf)
January 31Lab4  – Digital Downloads (doc)    (pdf)
February 4Prog1 - CSU Noodle Shop  (doc)    (pdf)
February 7Lab5  – Personal Trainer Mobile App (doc)    (pdf)
February 14 Lab6  – Radar Checkpoint Analysis (doc)  (pdf)
February 21  Lab7  – Mystic B&B Web Applet (doc)
February 25Prog2  - CSU Noodle Shop II [mobile] (doc)    (pdf)
March 14Lab 8 - Ocean Tours (doc)
March 21Lab 9 - Light Span Computers Inventory Depreciation (doc)
March 28Lab 10 - Intuition Approved Travel Request
APRIL 3Prog 3 - CSU Noodle Shop III [Web App]  (doc)
April 4Lab 11 - Student Registration Costs
April 11Lab 12 - Currency Converter Web Service (doc)
April 28 Lab 13- "Hello Kitty" / "paint" app (APInventor for Android)
May 2 (10:30am-12:30pm)FINAL EXAM

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written by Wayne Summers summers_wayne@ColumbusState.edu

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