Lab 13 – Building Android Applications with AppInventor


Maximum Points = 10


The purpose of this lab is to implement an Android application using AppInventor. Follow the guidelines at


You may work in pairs, but you must both work on the assignment together an you must both submit the .apk


  1. Create a Google account, if necessary. [your CSU account should work.]
  2. If this is the first time that AppInventor will be used on the computer, you will need to set it up [not necessary for lab computers.]
  3. Complete your first app! Hello Purr.
  4. Test your app with the emulator and an Android phone.
  5. Look over and make note of the Support Page for FAQ, documentation, and troubleshooting.


  1. Complete the app Paint Pic, a finger painting app that introduces buttons, variables,
    and the drawing canvas. (See student discussion guide for use after this tutorial.)
  2. Add one or more features to this program.



Test your program with the emulator (and an android phone) and TEST WHAT YOU SUBMIT.



 (Due before 11 pm on Sunday, April 28, 2013) Submit your files containing your program and design as a zip into a file named where ws are your initials. Upload the file to the Dropbox in CougarView.


Grades are determined using the following scale:

  • Runs correctly..…………………:___/2
  • Correct output……..……………:___/3
  • Design of output..………………:___/3
  • Design of logic…………………:___/2