Lab 7 – Mystic B&B Web Applet


Maximum Points = 10


The purpose of this lab is to implement a Web Applet for a Bed and Breakfast that includes a reservation system using Visual Basic to code Active Server Pages as part of a dynamic web site. The GUI will start with the template that starts with a default page and a tab to a second page. The second page (reservation) will include a table containing textboxes, check boxes, a drop-down list, a calendar and several labels to display messages and the result. [shown on the right] You will also include several validation objects. Follow the guidelines in chapter 7 [pp. 521-533].





Test your program frequently and TEST WHAT YOU SUBMIT.




You may need to adjust the sizes and locations of the objects

 (Due before 5 pm on Friday, February 22, 2013) Submit your files containing your program and design by zipping up the Project folder into a file named where ws are your initials. Upload the file to the dropbox in CougarView.

NOTE: Documentation must include

A) Program block:

‘ PROGRAM:          program name
‘ AUTHOR:              your name               (give credit for any code that is not yours)
‘ DATE:                   date of creation
‘ PURPOSE:            detailed description of program

B) Every subroutine

‘detailed description of the subroutine’s function
‘                   (give credit for any code that is not yours)

Grades are determined using the following scale:

  • Runs correctly..…………………:___/2
  • Correct output……..……………:___/2
  • Design of output..………………:___/1.5
  • Design of logic…………………:___/2
  • Standards……………………….:___/1.5
  • Documentation.………………...:___/1

Grading Rubric  (Word document)