Program 3  - CSU Noodle Shop III

Maximum Points = 50


 The purpose of this assignment is to design and implement an online (web-based) application using Visual Basic and .Net. The GUI uses conditional and looping statements to allow for data validation and multiple data entry, event-driven programming, and exception handling. You can  use as a model for your application.



Due Date:

11 pm on Monday, April 1, 2013

Application title:

CSU Noodle Shop III Ordering System


The CSU Noodle Shop III Ordering System will be used to take online orders. It will compute the tax, and allow the selection of the tip and final cost of a customer’s order.

Program Procedures:

From splash screen, the customer is presented with a menu for ordering, and takes the order of each customer. The program calculates the total cost for the food and drinks, the tax on the food and drinks, a service charge, and the final total and then displays these values. (see

Algorithms, Processing, and Conditions:

1. The store name and store picture will be displayed at all times.

2. The customer will be asked for first, last name, and email address.

3. The customer will use comboboxes, radio buttons, checkboxes and listboxes where appropriate to select the order from the menu.

4. After the order is complete, the customer can Continue or Checkout.

5. Upon checkout, the program displays the number of each type ordered along with the individual costs, the food & beverage cost, and the tax.

    a. The customer is then asked to select the service charge from a drop down list (as shown below.)

    b. The service charge and final total are then displayed.

6. The individual cost, the tax, service charge, and final total should appear in currency format.

7. The menu includes:

 a. Noodle Soup: Miso Ramen = $5.50, Kitsune Udon = $6.25, and Zaru Soba = $5.95, Shoyu Ramen = $6.95,Tonkotsu Ramen= $6.95, Tonkotsu-Shoyu Ramen =$6.95

b. Kaedama (Extra noodles for your soup) = $1.50

c. Toppings: Chashu Pork = $250, Nori = $0.75, Kimchi = $1.00

d. Other dishes: Gyoza = $5.15, Fried Rice (Small = $3.95, Regular = $5.75), Kimchi Fried Rice = $6.95

e. Hot tea (Oolong or Green) is $1.25 each




8. The tax rate is 7% is applied to the total food and beverage cost.

9. The final total is calculated by adding total food and beverage cost, the tax, and the service charge.

Notes and Restrictions:

1. The user can clear the order with a clear button.

2. Non-numeric and negative values should not be accepted.

3. Use Try-Catch blocks to validate the input

4. Validate the customer’s name and email address are appropriate.


Use your own pictures (from the web) for the shop.


Draw a template for the application and write a Use Case Definition BEFORE you start coding.


 Test your program frequently and TEST WHAT YOU SUBMIT.

 (Due before 11 pm on Monday, April 1, 2013) Submit your files containing your program and design by zipping up the Project folder into a file named where ws are your initials. Upload the file to the dropbox in CougarView.

NOTE: Documentation must include

A) Program block:

‘ PROGRAM:          program name
‘ AUTHOR:              your name               (give credit for any code that is not yours)
‘ DATE:                   date of creation
‘ PURPOSE:            detailed description of program

B) Every subroutine

‘detailed description of the subroutine’s function
                   (give credit for any code that is not yours)

Grades are determined using the following scale:

  • Runs correctly..…………………:___/10
  • Correct output……..……………:___/10
  • Design of output..………………:___/10
  • Design of logic…………………:___/10
  • Standards……………………….:___/5
  • Documentation.………………...:___/5