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MIS382-Chapter 10 Create Widespread Enthusiasm and Capability: The Role of Your Intranet Team

Why Do You Need an Intranet Team?

  1. Set the organization's direction for the intranet
  2. Guide the intranet in moving in that set direction.
  3. Create the infrastructure.
  4. Evaluate and select hardware and software.
  5. Install and maintain servers.
  6. Install intranet tools for personnel.
  7. Create training for web publishers.
  8. Design the structure of the internal web site.
  9. Design the home page.
  10. Develop content and design.
  11. Create publishing guidelines.
  12. Encourage web publishers to publish.
  13. Approve content for the intranet.
  14. Advertise and promote the intranet.
  15. Encourage and support employees in their use of the intranet.
  16. Create applications.
  17. Update publishers on new tools.
  18. Keep it all moving forward.

Should the Intranet Team be Combined with or Separate from the Internet Team?

Composition of the Team

Does the Team Really Need a Facilitator?

How Does the Team Work?

What are the Team's Objectives

  1. Internet team home page and communications
    1. Team home page
    2. Team Newsgroup
  2. Develop and communicate guidelines, standards, and policies
    • Set the direction and guide development of the internal web
      • Create the intranet home page and develop its structure and flow
      • Determine whether we needed standards and approvals
        1. Should there be web standards?
        2. What approvals and authorizations were necessary?
        3. Should you allow personal home pages?
        4. Who should ultimately own the intranet?
    • Set Internet policies
      • Should you allow universal access to the Internet?
      • Should you allow personal use of the Internet?
      • How do you help people understand what is confidential?
    • Train and support web publishers
    • Encourage publishing
  3. Promote jWeb to employees
  4. Promote the effective use of the Internet and jWeb
  5. Identify and spread tools and best practices

Checklist: Create Widespread Enthusiasm and Capability

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