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MIS382-Chapter 9 Promote Your Intranet

What are Your Goals for Your Demo?

Build the Demo

Present the Demo

  1. Schedule the demo
  2. Tailor the demo to your audience
    1. Sample Presentation
    2. Opening and Introduction to the Internet and WWW
    3. Business Sites
    4. Education Sites
    5. Government Sites
    6. Shopping Sites
    7. intranet "stuff"
  3. Build enthusiasm
  4. Answer questions and address concerns about the Internet and intranets:
    1. What will happen to productivity if we give employees access to the Internet?
    2. How secure is the Intranet?
    3. If we give employees access to all this information, won't they be harder to deal with?
    4. If we access the Internet, won't we bring in viruses?
    5. How much does it cost the company to access the Internet?
    6. How do I get my department in the Intranet?
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