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CS457/557 - Computer Networks: Chapter 1 - the Current State of the Data Communications Industry


  1. Understand today's data communications industry as a system of interacting components
  2. Understand the driving forces at work within the data communications industry
  3. Understand the current state of the data communications industry as well as the major issues facing each of the industry's components
  4. Understand the likely future scenarios for various data communications industry constituencies
  5. Understand the structure and importance of the top-down model
  6. Understand the relationship of network analysis and design to information systems analysis and design


Data Communications as a System

Regulators and Carriers

Divestiture and Deregulation

Politics and the Legislature and Judical Processes

Role of Standards-Making Agencies in Data Communications

  1. Physical standards, RS232 interface = physical standard for the DB-25 connector
  2. Operational Specifications, Token Ring Networks

How Does the Standards Making Process Work?

Standards Organizations:

OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) 7-Layer Model

  1. : Applications - user interface layer
  2. : Presentaton - data representation layer
  3. : Session - enables two applications to communicate across a network
  4. : Transport - assures reliable transmission
  5. : Network - sets up pathways
  6. : DataLink - puts messages together with headers
  7. : Physical - transmits bits over the physical medium

Standards Making Process

  1. Recognition of the need for a standard
  2. Formation of a committee or task force
  3. Information / Recommendation gathering
  4. Tentative / alternative standards issued
  5. Feedback on tentative standards
  6. Final standards issued
  7. Compliance with final standards

What do Manufacters have to Gain/Lose from Standards?

What should users be aware of regarding standards?

provides for interoperability / open systems

Data Communcatons is Business

Technology as an Enabler

  1. getting bits of data delivered faster
  2. getting bits of data delivered cheaper

The I-P-O Model

  1. Input
  2. Process
  3. Output

Business Demand + Available Technology = Emerging Network Services

  1. network companies are in business to make a profit
  2. network companies need to sell the network services which business is willing to buy at a price business is willing to pay
Business SolutionsBusiness DemandCharacteristicTechnologiesNetwork Services
Reduce Expenses Video Conferencing Fast Switching Fiber Optics ISDN, B-ISDN
Reduce Inventory EDI Delivery of intelligent services VLSI MANs
Reduce travel LAN interconnections Bandwidth on demand ASIC SONET, SMDS
Enterprise Partnerships High Speed CAD/ CAM / CASE high speed DSP Switched networks
increased Sales FAX, imaging high speed packet switching ATM, frame relay, cell relay
Mergers/Acquisitions Full motion video Global LAN Interconnect
increased worker productivity

Top-Down Approach

Top-Down Model

Business Model
Applications Model
Data Model
Network Model
Technology Model

Technology Investment versus Worker Productivity

Job Opportunities for the Data Communications Professional

Critical Skills for Data Communications Professionals

  1. Understand and can speak "business"
  2. Understand and can evaluate technology with a critical eye as to the cost/benefit of that technology
  3. Understand comparative value and proper application of available network services and can work effectively with carriers to see that implementations are completed properly and cost effectively
  4. Can communicate effectively with technically oriented people as well as with business management personnel


Review Questions: [e-mail your answers (where possible) to before 4 p.m. on Tues., Sept. 1, 1998]

pg. 30: #27


pg. 30: #8, 9 (use newspapers, magazines, WWW)

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