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MIS382-Chapter 3 How Will Intranets Change You and Your Organization?

What is Happening to Cause the Changes?

Customers want high quality, good service, low price, and they want it all now!!!

Innovation is the key to competitive advantage

This innovation comes from empowering your employees through learning, sharing knowledge, and collaboration

Learning Organizations

Shared Knowledge

Knowledge will be the currency of the future

Knowledge Systems

Groupware facilitates communication, collaboration, and capturing the organization's knowledge
Groupware databases(knowledge systems - are the repositiory for recording people's learning and experiences



What Changes Will Occur?

  1. Improved competitiveness through operational efficiency and productivity, through
    • improved access to up-to-date information
    • cost savings
    • time savings
    • improved productivity
    • improved operational efficiency and effectiveness
    • improved decision making
    • improved ability to respond to customers and to be proactive
    • empowered users
    • leverage intellectual capital
    • provided new business and revenue-generating opportunities
    • improved service to customers
  2. Broke down walls and built a culture of sharing and collaboration, because they
    • improved communication
      • speed
      • comprehension
      • consistency
      • free flow of information
      • cross-organization
      • universality
      • availability
    • enabled sharing of knowledge and collaboration
    • empowered people
    • facilitated organizational learning
      • career development
      • training programs (JIT training)
      • schedule of training
      • documentation
      • newsgroups/discussion groups
    • facilitated organizational bonding
    • improved the quality of life at work

Other Ways Intranets will Impact Organizations

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