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MIS382-Chapter 12 What Lessons Have We Learned and Where Do We Go from Here?

What Lessons Have We Learned?

  1. Start it as a grassroots effort.
  2. Have a champion and/or stearing committee to push it forward.
  3. Have business goals drive it.
  4. Choose your technology early and carefully.
  5. Get the network in place as soon as you can.
  6. Plan capacity ahead of demand.
  7. Determine who owns the itranet and how much the IT folks should be involved.
  8. Involve all stakeholders and get them to work together.
  9. Have someone in charge.
  10. Decide if you want standards and, if so, then create them.
  11. Start small and start quickly--you can always change it later.
  12. Create the support structure early.
  13. Focus on compelling content.
  14. Modify the processes from paper-oriented to on-line.
  15. Develop the skills you need.
  16. Promote and advertise it.
  17. It isn't easy to keep content up-to-date.
  18. Beware of legacy applications.
  19. Be prepared for concerns and fears.
  20. Make sure the business knows what's possible for the intranet.

What's Next and Where Do We Go from Here?

High-Bandwidth Applications Such as Video and Virtual Reality

Workflow [currently mostly proprietary]


Checklist: What Lessons Have We Learned and Where Do We Go from Here?

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