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Chapter 2 - Introduction to Database Development

  1. The Database
    • User Data
    • Metadata (description of the structure of the data)
    • Indexes (used for sorting and quick access)
    • Application Metadata (stores the structure and format of user forms, reports, queries, etc.

  2. The DBMS
    1. Microsoft Access
    2. Wall Data's SALSA
    3. Borland's Paradox
    4. Borland's dBase
    5. Lotus Approach
    • The Design Tools Subsystem (used by the developer)
      1. Table Creation Tool
      2. Form Creation Tool
      3. Query Creation Tool
      4. Report Creation Tool
      5. Procedural Language Compiler
    • Run-Time Subsystem (used by the users)
      1. Form Processor
      2. Query Processor
      3. Report Writer
      4. Procedural Language Run Time
    • The DBMS Engine (interface between the design tools and the run time subsystems)

  3. Creating the Database "A database schema defines a database's structure, its tables, relationships, domains and business rules. A database schema is a design, the foundation on which the database and the applications are built."
    • An Example of a Schema scenerio: The university wants to keep track of athletic equipment that has been checked out by the team captains
      1. TABLES:
        CAPTAIN(CAPTAIN_ID, CaptainName, Phone, Street, City, State, Zip)
        ITEM(ITEM_ID, Quantity, Description, DateOut, DateIn)
      2. RELATIONSHIPS: 1 Captain -> Many Items (1:N) Need to add CAPTAIN_ID to the ITEM
      3. DOMAINS: CAPTAIN_ID, ITEM_ID, and Quantity are Integer, others are Text
      4. BUSINESS RULES (Constraints):
        1. In order to check out equipment, the captain must have a local phone #.
        2. No captain may have more than 7 soccer balls checked out at one time.
        3. Captains must return all equipment within five days after the end of each semester.
        4. No captain may check out more equipment if he or she has any overdue.
    • Creating Tables
      Employee Table
    • Defining Relationships
      In Access, use the Relationships Window to link the tables's keys and foreign keys

  4. Components of Applications
    • Forms - most DBMS's have a form generation tool
      Customer Database Data-Entry Forms
    • Queries
      1. query by example (QBE) - uses special table where fields are selected and constraints specified
      2. data access language (SQL) - requires "programming"
      3. query by form - constraints are entered into the form
    • Reports
      Customer Database Report
    • Menus - pull-down Windows menus
    • Application Programs - requires a programming language like Visual BASIC

  5. Database Development Processes
    • General Strategies
      A database is a model of the users' model of their business activities
      1. prototype - sample databases and applications that represent various aspects of the system to be created
      2. top-down development - proceeds from the general to the specific
      3. bottom-up development - starts with the specific
    • Data Modeling
      1. Data Modeling as Inferencing (need to infer the model from what the users want
      2. Modeling in Multiuser Systems - more difficult: each user may have their own "view"
      3. Confusion About the Term Model - need to build a "user's data model" or "requirements data model"

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