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MIS380-Chapter 1 Introduction to Database Processing

Customer Database Tables
Customer Database Data-Entry Forms
Customer Database Report

Four Database Examples

  1. Mary Richards Housepainting
    • needs to keep track of her business records
    • single-user database
  2. Treble Clef Music
    • needs to keep track of rented musical instruments
    • multi-user database over a LAN
  3. State Licensing and Vehicle Registration Bureau
    • needs to keep track of drivers' licenses and auto licenses
    • multi-user database over a WAN
  4. Rose Harbor Yacht Sales
    • needs to keep track of sailboats for sale
    • requires a multimedia database
  5. Comparison of Database Applications

Relationship of Application Programs and the DBMS

File-Processing Systems (limitations)

Database Processing Systems

Definition of a Database

bits -> bytes(characters) -> fields -> records -> files -> database
A database is a self-describing collection of integrated records

History of Database Processing

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