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Music Department [title]

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Meet The Faculty

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James K. Leger web page link

James K. Leger
[not available]

Andre Garcia-Nuthmann
[not available]

Dr. Margaret Mertz

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Music is a true international language that speaks to many folks in many ways. Some people choose to make music their life and others study about music for self improvement and enjoyment. Whatever your interest, the Music Department at Highlands University has the answer.

A major in Music or Music Education can lead to a rewarding career, and for those who wish to pursue another field, a Music Minor is available. Courses in music history, theory, ethnomusicology and special topics (such as Country, Jazz or Latin music) allow students to expand their knowledge, while participation in ensembles, such as Mariachi and the Concert Choir, is open to all students at NMHU and gives them the opportunity to improve their current skills, learn new skills, and challenge themselves in public performance.

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Web Page Creation & development by Sue Watkins a member of the HTML Writers Guild

Text editing & table development by Jane L. Vigil

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