CS456/556 - Internet Services Assignments

Weekly Assignments

(Late assignments will not be accepted. Homework must be submitted electronically to summers_wayne@ColumbusState.edu by 3 P.M. MST before class.)

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
Week 4 Week 5 Week 6
Week 7
Week 10 due Thursday November 4nd

Lab 1 - (Due before class on Sept. 2, 1999)
Why Would I Want WebMail If I Already Have Email?
Lab 2(Due before class on Sept. 9, 1999) Lab 3 - (Due before class on Sept. 18, 1999)
Lab 4 - (Due before class on Sept. 23, 1999) Lab 5 - (Due before class on Sept. 30, 1999)
Lab 7 - (Due before class on Oct. 19, 1999) Lab 8 - (Due before class on Oct. 21, 1999) Lab 9 - (Due before class on Nov. 9, 1999)
Lab 10 - Maintaining IIS Server(Due before class on Nov. 23, 1999) Lab 11 - Maintaining Apache Server(Due before class on Nov. 30, 1999)

Mentoring Projects - 100 pts.

One of the major requirements for this course is a mentoring project. You will asked to mentor a teacher at one of the local schools. Most of the schools have Internet access, but the teacher in charge has had only a minimal amount of training and many of them would like assistance developing a web site for the school as well as learning more about maintaining their Internet site. You will be expected to 1) help develop a website for the school using teachers and students at the school, and 2) provide training guides for the teachers and students in the uses of the Internet.

The schools currently supported are on the NMHU Outreach Domains Page

School Contact Person Student
Las Vegas City Schools
Robertson High School (1998) Janie Vigil Jessie Xie
Los Ninos Elementary School (1998) Pam Abreu Sue Watkins
Los Ninos Elementary School Spanish Immersion Program (1999) Sra. Garcia Leah Wolff
Legion Park Elementary School (1998) Shirley Marlowe Shonna Moya
Sierra Vista Elementary School (1999) Cheryl McNellis Zack Martinez
Paula D. Henry Elementary School (1999) Anne Sanders
Las Vegas City SchoolsGeorge W. Lucero
West Las Vegas Schools
West Las Vegas Middle School (1998) Robert Aragon and Lora Montenegro Robert Kellogg
West Las Vegas High School (1999) Bettina Romero Wendy Zheng
Tony Serna Elementary School (1998) Beatrice Gonzales D Young
Union Elementary School (1999) Beatrice Gonzales Gerald Ortega
Luis E. Armijo Elementary School (1999) MaryLou Sanchez Louise la Plante
Don Cecilio Martinez Elementary School (1999) Lisa Lopez Jeff Esquibel
Other Schools
Turquoise Trail in Santa Fe (1999) Andrew Zobay and Barbara Anschel Molly McDow
San Jon Elementary SchoolDeborah Reynolds

You will be expected to submit your results in HTML format suitable for publication on the Internet and to make an presentation via the bulletin board and chat to the class.

Internet Services Projects - 100 pts.

One of the major requirements for this course is a Internet Services project / research paper. You will be expected to submit your results in HTML format suitable for publication on the Internet and to make a presentation via the bulletin board and chat to the class. Assignments from graduate students need to reflect a higher quality of work.
I will be available for help with this projects.

Possible Projects include:

Your project will be graded based on the following criteria: (tentative)

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written by Wayne Summers summers_wayne@ColumbusState.edu