CS456/556 - Internet Services - Lab 4
(Due before class on Sept. 23, 1999)
The following assignment is intended to give you practice in the basics of Web / HTML Page design without learning any HTML. You may pick any theme you wish for your web pages. Be sure to review http://csc.ColumbusState.edu/summers/notes/html.htm before you start on your pages. At least one of your sample pages should include a list.
Do at least two of the following to create two different pages. E-mail the pages as attachments to bulletin board for this class
- Use one of the Homepage Creators Sites [http://csc.ColumbusState.edu/summers/guide.htm] to create a simple web page that includes text, links, and at least one image.
- Use Microsoft Word or other work processor to create a simple web page that includes text, links, and at least one image and save as an HTML document.
- Use Netscape's Composer (part of Netscape Communicator and Netscape Gold) or Microsoft's FrontPad to create a simple web page that includes text, links, and at least one image.
Click here to return to Wayne's World's homepage:
written by Wayne Summers summers_wayne@ColumbusState.edu