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CS456/556 - Internet Services - Week 6 Assignment

In-class Discussion
The following questions are for discussion this week -
  1. The connection between a computer and a network can be extended using a pair of _________
  2. A dedicated, special-purpose computer that interconnects two networks is called a ___________
  3. A packet from one network must pass through a ________________ to reach another network.
  4. Why is the phrase network of networks appropriate for the Internet?
  5. In the Internet, a _______________________ is used to interconnect a LAN and a LAN, a LAN and a WAN, or a WAN and another WAN.
  6. Why was the Internet's basic design revolutionary?
  7. If a network can deliver 1,250,000 bytes of data per second to a router, and the average packet size is 1250 bytes of data, how many packets will the router receive each second?
  8. What hardware and software is needed to connect to the Internet with DSL?
  9. What hardware and software is needed to connect to the Internet with a cable modem?
  10. What hardware and software is needed to connect to the Internet with wireless?
  11. What is the difference between ADSL and SDSL?"
  12. What are the advantages and disadvantages of DSL?
  13. What are the advantages and disadvantages of cable modems?
  14. What are the advantages and disadvantages of wireless Web?
  15. Can a user know whether a page was generated by a CGI program? Why or why not?
  16. Explain why using a plugin can be dangerous. Hint: where was the plugin obtained? Can you trust it?
  17. Is Java safer or more dangerous than plugin technology? Explain.
  18. Most pages that use form technology also rely on servers that use CGI technology. Explain why doing so makes sense.

Bulletin Board Discussion
[post your answers to the bulletin board for CS456/556 - Internet Services by 4:00 p.m. MDT/MST Monday]
Answer these questions in your own words.

  1. Contact a company that sells IP routers. How much does the least expensive router cost? the most expensive? What features distinguish the least expensive from the most expensive models?
  2. How many networks and routers does your organization use?
  3. What is your charge for "using" the Internet? Who do you pay?
  4. What is your charge for "connecting" to the Internet? Who do you pay?
  5. Is DSL available in your town(city)? What is the cost?
  6. Are cable modems available in your town(city)? What is the cost?
  7. Is wireless Web available in your town(city)? What is the cost?

(Due before class on Oct. 1, 2001) The following assignment is intended to show you the basics of e-mail and listservs. [e-mail your answers to by 4:00 p.m. Monday, Oct. 1, 2001]

  1. Why is it useful to have more than one possible path through a network for each pair of computers?
  2. Use the tracert instruction to find the route a connection takes from here to
    Do this at least twice at different times on different days. Compare your results.
  3. Describe the importance and function of routers in the functioning of the Internet.
  4. What is needed to connect a LAN to the Internet? Be specific.

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written by Wayne Summers