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CS456/556 - Internet Services - Week 5 Assignment

In-class Discussion
The following questions are for discussion this week -
  1. An infrastructure defines a closed __________________ of people who share it.
  2. Past communication infrastructures include the ___________, _________ and _____________
  3. Did all Internet services exist before the TCP/IP communication facilities were designed?
  4. Internet communication facilities support ( many / few ) services.
  5. What are the major infrastructures of modern society?
  6. What infrastructures are global?
  7. Estimate the number of languages spoken in all the countries that connect to the Internet.
  8. A computer must divide a long message into ________ before it can be sent across a network.
  9. When computers that share a network all have packets to send, the network hardware ensures that the sharing is fair by making them ________________
  10. Each packet traveling across a network contains the ____________ of its destination.
  11. What is the purpose of packet switching?
  12. Although packets are not all the same size, the network enforces a bound on the packet size. Why?
  13. Suppose twenty computers that share a single packet switching network are communicating in pairs. If the network can handle 7500 packets per second, how many packets per second will each of the ten pairs transfer?
  14. If the source and destination addresses in a packet occupy 16 bytes and the data occupies 1200 bytes, what percentage of the total packet is devoted to addresses?
  15. Explain how a browser interacts with a Web server to obtain a conventional, static page.
  16. Explain how a browser obtains a dynamic Web page from a server that uses CGI technology.
  17. Give an example of information that is more current on a dynamic page than a static one.
  18. The name _______________________ is given to a technology that divides the screen into multiple areas and permits the contents of each to change.
  19. The _______________________ technology permits a Web page to interact with a user.
  20. What is the chief advantage of Java over other technologies?

Bulletin Board Discussion
[post your answers to the bulletin board for CS456/556 - Internet Services by 4:00 p.m. MDT/MST Monday]
Answer these questions in your own words.

  1. Read more about the United States government's support of the Internet. How has such an infrastructure changed society? Should the government fund Internet access for all schools? Why or why not?
  2. Many people worry about the effects of a widespread information infrastructure on individuals. How might a global information infrastructure affect an individual's privacy?
  3. Use a program like ping to measure the time required to send a packet to a distant computer and receive a reply. How long does it take to send a packet: across a LAN? across the Internet to another city? across the Internet to another country?
  4. A test with the ping program reported that the Internet can transfer a packet across the United States and back in less than 90 milliseconds. How fast does a 90- millisecond transfer appear to a user?
  5. Experiment to see how long it takes to fetch a page over the Internet. If the page used client-pull, how often would a browser retrieve a new copy?

(Due before class on Sept. 24, 2001 The following assignment is intended to give you practice in the basics of Web / HTML Page design and HTML. You may pick any theme you wish for your web pages. Be sure to review before you start on your pages. At least one of your pages should include tables and frames. [Post the pages to a webserver and send a message indicating the URL to the bulletin board by 4:00 p.m. Monday, Sept. 24, 2001]

    1. Use Homesite or similar HTML editor to create a web page. (30-day evaluation copy can be downloaded from
    2. Write a brief commentary to our discussion group describing your impressions of the three different programs you used to create web pages. Do you have a favourite. Is there some other program that you prefer? Describe it.

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written by Wayne Summers