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CS456/556 - Internet Services - Week 4 Assignment

In-class Discussion
The following questions are for discussion this week -
  1. Name the U.S. government agencies that funded most of the work on the Internet.
  2. By 1996, a new computer appeared on the Internet approximately every__________ seconds.
  3. The Internet has been doubling in size approximately once every______________ months.
  4. Mathematicians call the Internet growth _______________________
  5. Exponential growth means that approximately what percentage of Internet users have had connections for more than six years?
  6. If the Internet began with two computers and doubled in size once each year, how many years would it take to reach one million computers?
  7. If exponential growth continues and the world population does not increase, in approximately how many years will the Internet have more computers connected than people on the planet?
  8. To which continents does the Internet reach?
  9. The WAN that connects countries of Europe to the Internet is called_________________
  10. Make a list of the types of governments in countries that have Internet connections. Are any of the countries on the Internet run by a dictator?
  11. Read about the growth of the Internet in your country. Were government, educational, or commercial sites connected first?
  12. Consult an atlas to determine how many countries exist. Approximately what percentage of all countries have Internet access?
  13. There seems to be a strong correlation between countries that have the most advanced telephone systems and countries that have widespread Internet access. Why?
  14. HTML divides each document into a _______________________ and a _______________
  15. To move to a new line of output, an author must include the tag________________
  16. HTML supports two forms of lists: _______________________ and__________________
  17. A graphic image can be produced either by a _______ _________or a __________ ________
  18. In HTML, a selectable item must be surrounded by the tags ___________ and ___________
  19. Two popular formats for storing digitized images are abbreviated:______ and _________
  20. Why is HTML difficult for humans to read?
  21. Read about the META tag in HTML. What does it do?
  22. Use a browser to see a Web page and then view the document source. How does a browser use the document title?
  23. Why are graphic images kept in separate files? Hint: look at the size of a typical Web page and the sizes of graphic images.
  24. Find out how many computers are estimated to be "on the Internet" today.
  25. "Current Internet technology can connect a maximum of 4,294,967,296 computers". Explain in detail why this maximum exists.

Bulletin Board Discussion
[post your answers to the bulletin board for CS456/556 - Internet Services by 4:00 p.m. MDT/MST Monday]
Answer these questions in your own words.

  1. Recently, someone violated rules of Internet conduct by using the Internet to send an advertisement to many people. Should the government pass laws that restrict Internet use? Why or why not?
  2. Although most large corporations have a Web page on the Internet, many smaller businesses do not. Conduct a poll of businesses in your local area to determine which have a Web page and which use the Internet regularly.
  3. Some governments tax information services (e.g., place a government tariff on each packet that enters or leaves the country). Discuss the possible effects of such a tax.
  4. Pick a country and read about Internet connectivity.
  5. Explain how Internet access can impact world politics or world economics.
  6. Imagine everyone in the world had access to the Internet. How might it change your personal life? your professional life?
  7. Suppose someone invented an alternative to HTML in which the author of a document was able to specify the document height and width. What are the advantages and disadvantages of such an approach? which approach would be easier for authors? Which would you prefer to use for browsing? Why?
  8. Find and read an RFC that describes one of the protocols for TCP/IP. What is its number? Briefly describe what you discovered in a message to the CS456/556 discussion group.
  9. The author writes: "Most of the services currently available had not been invented when the Internet was designed." Describe some of these services.
  10. The author also writes: "Although it offers many services, the Internet's chief advantage lies in the design of TCP/IP software that has accommodated changes in computers, networks, and services." Do you agree? Explain your answer.

(Due before class on Sept. 17, 2001) [e-mail your answers to by 4:00 p.m. Monday, Sept. 17, 2001]

  1. List as many protocols as you can that form the basis of The TCP/IP Internet Protocol Suite.
  2. Find information about X.25. How does it compare to TCP/IP?
  3. The following assignment is intended to give you practice in the basics of Web / HTML Page design without learning any HTML. You may pick any theme you wish for your web pages. Be sure to review before you start on your pages. At least one of your sample pages should include a list. Do at least two of the following to create two different pages. Post the pages to a webserver and send a message indicating the URL to the bulletin board.
    1. Use one of the Homepage Creators Sites [] to create a simple web page that includes text, links, and at least one image.
    2. Use Microsoft Word or other word processor to create a simple web page that includes text, links, and at least one image and save as an HTML document.
    3. Use Netscape's Composer (part of Netscape Communicator and Netscape Gold) or Microsoft's FrontPad to create a simple web page that includes text, links, and at least one image.

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written by Wayne Summers