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CS456/556 - Internet Services - Week 10 Assignment

In-class Discussion
The following questions are for discussion this week -
  1. A conventional __________________ computer system requires users to login before using the computer.
  2. To log into a computer, a user must enter both a __________________ and a ___________
  3. The Internet service that allows a user to log into a remote computer is named __________
  4. To log into a remote computer, a user invokes a ______ ____ program that contacts a ___ on the remote computer.
  5. Which programs on a remote computer can a user run after logging in?
  6. Experiment with remote login. Is there a difference in the time a remote computer takes to respond and the time a local computer takes?
  7. The _____ refers to keeping data confidential.
  8. _______ refers to verifying the identity of a communicating party.
  9. The process of encoding a message is known as ______
  10. Modern ______ makes the task of decoding messages so difficult that a high-speed computer will require years of computing to break a code.
  11. In data encryption, the key used to encrypt the message is called a _______ key, because it can be distributed to anyone.
  12. In data encryption, the key used to decrypt the message is called a _______ key, because it must be kept secret.
  13. Two popular secure e-mail systems are ________ and _________

Bulletin Board Discussion
[post your answers to the bulletin board for CS456/556 - Internet Services by 4:00 p.m. MDT/MST Monday, October 29]
Answer these questions in your own words.

  1. How important is privacy on the Internet? Explain.
  2. How important is security on the Internet? Explain.
  3. Describe the changes you have made to your website and discuss why you made these changes. (Post this discussion to the bulletin board)
  4. Help your classmates by making suggestions that they could use to improve their website.

(Due before class on October 29, 2001) The following assignment is intended to foucs on additional networking concepts and to reinforce the basics of Web / HTML Page design and HTML. [Post the pages to a webserver]

  1. Suppose a user logs into a remote computer and sends e-mail back to their account. Draw a diagram that shows the programs that would run on each computer.
  2. Pick a remote computer, A . First run traceroute or an equivalent program to generate a list of all the routers along the path to computer A . Then use TELNET (ssh for gibson, using putty) to log into another computer, B, and run traceroute to generate a list of all routers along the path to computer A . Does the path from B to A include your computer? Why or why not?
  3. Is it possible to use TELNET to establish a remote login session on a remote computer, X, and then use TELNET on that computer to establish a remote login session on another computer, Y? If not, why not? If so, what would appear on the user's screen at each step?
  4. Continue the development of the website for the school you are mentoring. It should include enhanced multiple pages as determined by the school. It should include tables, lists, and whatever else is necessary.

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written by Wayne Summers