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CS456/556 - Internet Services - Week 9 Assignment

In-class Discussion
The following questions are for discussion this week -
  1. A computer name contains alphabetic characters and the ________________ punctuation symbol
  2. In a computer name, the (first/last) part gives a name for the specific computer.
  3. The names for all computers in an organization have a common _______________________
  4. The name of a computer at an educational institution often ends in ____________________ and the name of a computer at a commercial organization often ends in ___________________
  5. If everyone in a given organization can choose a name for their computer, what political problems arise? (Hint: imagine a company with 1000 employees.)
  6. When does an organization need to add more levels to its computer names? Do such changes occur frequently?
  7. TCP and IP work well together: _______________________ provides the flexibility needed to handle many types of computers and networks, while _______________________ makes communication reliable despite changing conditions in the Internet.
  8. Internet research stressed _______________________ results.
  9. List the special hardware a computer needs to send and receive live audio and video.
  10. Many radio stations on the Internet use ________ _________ technology to digitize sound.
  11. A __________________ service permits a group of users to write or draw on a shared page.
  12. Suppose several friends are cooperating to mark a shared document. What simple scheme can they use to identify who added which marks?
  13. The most useful form of teleconference combines ___________, __________ and __________
  14. Does it make sense to have a video teleconference without an associated audio teleconference? Why or why not?
  15. What are the advantages and disadvantages to listening to a radio station over the Internet?

Bulletin Board Discussion
[post your answers to the bulletin board for CS456/556 - Internet Services by 4:00 p.m. MDT/MST Monday, October 22]
Answer these questions in your own words.

  1. Conduct a poll of friends and colleagues. Ask each person what name they would choose for their computer. Did you discover duplicates? Conduct the poll again, but show each person a list of popular computer names before asking them to decide. Did the results change?
  2. Make a list of possible computer names and ask people whether each name: is positive or negative, is appropriate for a small computer or a large computer, is appropriate for a computer used in a government. Are you surprised at the results?
  3. If you have access to the program nslookup, you can enter a name and it will look up the equivalent IP address. See if you can tell the difference between the time required to look up the name of a local computer and the time required to look up the name of a remote computer.
  4. Talk to the person who assigns domain names at your organization to determine how they divided the organization's computers into domains.
  5. Think about a project in which you interacted with other people. Did the participants try each idea in practice before choosing among them? Did it seem impractical to do so? Would testing ideas have reduced long-term costs?
  6. Suppose everyone had a computer at home, and you could establish a video teleconference with any of your friends at any time. Would you be willing to pay for the service? How often would you use teleconferencing?
  7. Use a teleconference facility to connect to a local computer and to a remote computer. What differences do you notice?
  8. Use a whiteboard and audio teleconference service to collaborate with a friend. Also try working with a stranger. What differences do you notice? Do you prefer to work face-to-face? Why or why not?
  9. Describe the changes you have made to your website and discuss why you made these changes. (Post this discussion to the bulletin board)
  10. Help your classmates by making suggestions that they could use to improve their website.

(Due before class on October 22, 2001) TThe following assignment is intended to reinforce the basics of Web / HTML Page design and HTML. [Post the pages to a webserver]

  1. Why did emphasis on open systems (defined in Chapter 7) help make TCP/IP more flexible?
  2. Continue the development of the website for the school you are mentoring. It should include multiple pages as determined by the school. It should include tables, lists, and whatever else is necessary.

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written by Wayne Summers