Monday | T | Wednesday | R | Friday |
Module 3: Debugging and User Interfaces
Before Class:
Section 5.3 Appendix A: Coding Conventions (9 pages) Javadocs (7:54) assert Operator (9:57) Debugging and Testing (7:54) Debugging with BlueJ (6:42) Javadocs Quiz assert Quiz Debugging and Testing Quiz Make a copy of Module 3 Exercises Worksheet Class: while Statements Exercises (exercises) Javadocs (exercises) assert (exercises) Lab: Javadocs codePost Practice Assignments |
Before Class:
Section 2.8 Wrapper Classes - Integer and Double Sections 4.1 - 4.3 (11 pages) Section 4.4.2 (just the first 4 paragraphs (until 'Top-level containers')) (1 page) Section 4.5 (Can skip Section 4.5.2) (4 pages) Primitive Wrapper Classes (1 of 2) (4:46) Primitive Wrapper Classes (2 of 2) (12:14) Primitive Wrapper Classes Quiz Class: Ask a CS Tutor a Question Quiz Introduction (Visit with a CS tutor (with an appointment or walk-in), then take the Quiz in CougarVIEW) Debugging and Testing (exercises) User Interfaces (exercises) Primitive Wrapper Classes (exercises) Lab: Live debugging demo Debug your last Java project in your IDE Javadocs codePost Practice Assignments Due: Javadocs codePost Practice Assignments |
Module 4: Java Language and Structures
Before Class:
(Review) Sections 1.3, 1.4 and 1.6 Sections 3.5 - 3.12 (Optional) Chapter 5: Java Data and Operators (41 pages) Java Language Pre Quiz Chapter 4: Iteration (Loops) (Optional) Section 6.1: Introduction (Optional) Section 6.6: Conditional Loops Make a copy of Module 4 Exercises Worksheet Project 3 (due later) Class: Primitive Wrapper Classes (exercises) Data types and operators (exercises) Short-Circuit Evaluation (exercises) Rounding (exercises) Lab: Project 3 Demo |
Before Class:
Java for Loops (8:29) (Optional) Section 6.3: Counting Loops Java Language Post Quiz Java Structures Pre Quiz Class: while Loops (part 2) (exercises) for Loops (exercises) Java Structures (continued) Lab: Loops codePost Practice Assignments Work on Project 3 |
Before Class:
Java Structures Post Quiz Section 2.6 (review) Section 2.7 (Optional) Section 6.10: The switch Multiway Selection Structure (Optional) The rest of Java, Java, Java Chapter 6: Control Structures (Optional) Chapter 7: Strings and String Processing (Can skip Section 7.11) (24 pages) Class: for Loops (exercises) Switch Statements (exercises) Strings (exercises) Lab: Loops codePost Practice Assignments Work on Project 3 |
Before Class:
Java Strings Quiz Class: Strings (exercises) String Methods (exercises) StringBuffer / StringBuilder Classes (exercises) Lab: Loops codePost Practice Assignments Work on Project 3 Due: Loops codePost Practice Assignments Ask a CS Tutor a Question Quiz Introduction (Visit with a CS tutor (with an appointment or walk-in), then take the Quiz in CougarVIEW) |
Work on Project 3 and/or Study for Exam 1 Lab: Work on Project 3 and/or Study for Exam 1 Due: Project 3 (Submit .java files to codePost and rubric to CougarVIEW) |
Exam 1 Prep:
Exam 1 (topics) (Go to CougarVIEW, Assessments , Quizzes, Exam 1 ….) |
Module 5: Inheritance & Polymorphism
Before Class:
Sections Sections 9.1 - 9.2 (Optional) Inheritance and Polymorphism Sections 8.1 - 8.2: Introduction - Java's Inheritance Mechanism (10 pages) Inheritance Introduction (13:50) Inheritance Introduction Pre Quiz Make a copy of Module 5 Exercises Worksheet Class: Inheritance (exercises) Lab: Inheritance & Polymorphism codePost Practice Assignments |
Before Class:
Inheritance Introduction Post Quiz Sections Sections 9.3 - 9.5 Inheritance: Overriding Methods (13:00) Inheritance Overriding Methods Pre Quiz Class: Class Relationships Inheritance Representation Exercise Overriding Methods (exercises) Lab: Inheritance & Polymorphism codePost Practice Assignments |
Before Class:
Section 9.6 Polymorphism Section 8.3: Abstract Classes, Interfaces,and Polymorphism (7 pages) Polymorphism (15:47) Polymorphism Pre Quiz Class: Overriding Methods (exercises) Polymorphism (exercises) Lab: Exam 1 Recap |
Monday | T | Wednesday | R | Friday |