Project 1: Hello, world



Write a Java program (with comments) that displays the following:

  1. hello, world on the first line
  2. Find the row on the table at of the Occupational Outlook Handbook that best describes your future career. State the job title on the second line.
  3. Explain what you want to do for a career and why on the third line

Name your class to be HelloWorld (and therefore your filename to be

For this project, have a comment header at the top of your file, that includes your name, the last date the code was modified and a description of the program. Additionally, add in comments for major sections of code. For this simple program, a single simple comment would be sufficient. Only include comments that would be helpful for someone that already knows Java. Do not write comments for every line of code.


The following is an example of correct execution (note, the text that is underlined is required for the test cases):

hello, world
Job Title: Professor
I want to be a professor because not only do I feel like it is my calling, I love helping people learn a very valuable skill that can change their lives!

Note, to display the above, your program must compile and run.


Points       Item
----------   --------------------------------------------------------------
_____ /  5   Meaningful comments (comment header block and description of major portions of code)
_____ / 10   Line 1
_____ /  5   Line 2
_____ /  5   Line 3
_____ /  2   Completed rubric (estimates for each line including hours spent)

_____ / 27   Total

_____  Approximate number of hours spent

I, (REPLACE WITH YOUR FULL NAME), affirm that the code that I submitted is my own work and that I did not receive help that was not authorized by the instructor.

Copy and paste the above rubric into a file named rubric-helloWorld.txt file (not a .docx, .doc nor .rtf file). Think of this as a checklist to ensure that you receive the maximum points possible. For each grade item, fill in your estimate for the grade you deserve. Additionally, include your estimate of how many hours your spent. Lastly, replace, "(REPLACE WITH YOUR FULL NAME)" with your full name to indicate that what you are submitting is entirely your own work.

You can use BlueJ to create a .txt file. Also, you can also use Notepad on Windows machines to do this or Microsoft Word (but make sure you save it as the correct file type).


The submission process has two parts:

  1. codePost

    Submit your file to To register for a free codePost account, please follow these instructions. You can submit to codePost multiple times if you want. Only your last submission will be graded. Watch this short video for a demonstration of submitting an assignment and reviewing the results:
    YouTube video: codePost: Submission and Checking Results Thumbnail

  2. CougarVIEW

    Submit your rubric-helloWorld.txt to the appropriate Assignment tab/folder in CougarVIEW. This is required to receive detailed graded feedback on your project. If you resubmit your rubric, this will effectively replace your previous submission.