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MIS 483/583 - Assignment 4
(Due June 22, 1999)

(Homework must be submitted electronically to or hand delivered to my mailbox by 5 p.m. MST on the due date.)
Late assignments will be subject to up to a 25% deduction in points per day. No credit will be given for assignments that are more than one week late.

  1. You are developing an Internet site for a local business. Use chapter 6 to answer the following questions.
    1. Does your business need an Internet site, an intranet? [Explain]
    2. Are you prepared to develop one for your business? [If not, how can you get prepared?]
    3. How do you proceed? [Be specific]

  2. What hardware and software does your local business need to set up a web site?

  3. Participate in the Bulletin Board on WebCT.
    • Send a preliminary design of your web site to the discussion group. It should include:
      1. text
      2. images
      3. links
    • Discuss any problems you are having.
    • What have you learned so far?
    • What else do you need to learn?
    • What would you like to learn?

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written by Wayne Summers