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MIS 483/583 - Assignment 2
(Due June 15, 1999)

(Homework must be submitted electronically to or hand delivered to my mailbox by 5 p.m. MST on the due date.)
Late assignments will be subject to up to a 25% deduction in points per day. No credit will be given for assignments that are more than one week late.

  1. Find information about Peter Senge and his theory on Learning Organizations. Describe what you have found.

  2. Compare and contrast intranets and EDI.

  3. Visit the following sites and answer the following questions:
    1. Bell Atlantic
    2. EDS
    3. JCPenney
    4. TI
    5. Turner Broadcasting

    1. Which of the above sites impressed you the most? Why? Be sure to focus on the different business processes discussed in chapter 4.

    2. Which of the above sites impressed you the least? Why?

  4. Participate in the Bulletin Board on WebCT. Discuss the local business(s) that you will be designing a web page for. Discuss any problems you are having. What have you learned?

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written by Wayne Summers