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MIS 483/583 - Assignment 1
(Due June 9, 1999)

(Homework must be submitted electronically to or hand delivered to my mailbox by 5 p.m. MST on the due date.)
Late assignments will be subject to up to a 25% deduction in points per day. No credit will be given for assignments that are more than one week late.

  1. Describe the differences between the Internet and intranets.
  2. Describe the differences between clients and servers.
  3. Use the Internet to locate information about intranets.
    • List at least five sources (URLs) of information about intranets.
    • Find specific reasons for why companies are using intranets.
    • List five companies that are using intranets.

  4. Participate in the Bulletin Board on WebCT. Describe a little about yourself; including your major, your experiences with the Internet. What do you expect to learn in this class.

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written by Wayne Summers