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MIS382-Chapter 6 Two Different Was to Sell the Intranet to Your Organization

Why and How Did Companies Create Their Intranets?

  1. Because of the Power and Possibilities for the Tools to Solve Business Problems
  2. To meet communications needs
  3. To access information
  4. To share information and support mobile users

mostly grassroots efforts

Two Different Ways You Can Get Started

  1. Traditional Model - formal approach
  2. Internet Model - grassroots approach

Traditional Model

requires formal request for funding, specific plan, cost-benefit analysis, and return on investment (ROI) calculations
  1. Do You Need an Intranet?
    What about Business Goals?
  2. Are You Ready?
    1. What is the scope of the project?
    2. Do you have the infrastructure you need? (computers, LAN, TCP/IP)
    3. Do you have the skills and resources you need? Or are you willing to acquire the expertise?
    4. Do you have the people resources to take on the extra workload of an intranet?
    5. Do you have someone who can take the lead in developing and maintaining applications for the internal web?
  3. Develop a Project Plan and Proposal.
    • Problems with the Benefits Process
    • The Current Process and Why the Problems Occur
    • The Future Process That Will Solve the Problems
    • Implementation Plan for the Future Process
    • Cost Justification
      1. Benefits and Savings
      2. Cost and Expenditures
      3. Summary and Calculation of ROI
    • Time Line
    • Executive Summary
  4. Present the Proposal and Sell the Concept.
  5. Implement It.
  6. Measure the Results.

Internet Model

  1. Do You Need an Intranet?
  2. Are You Ready?
  3. How Do You Proceed?
    • Champions (often the CIO) and Steering Committees
    • Identify Your Goals
    • Should You Get Outside Help?
    • What Should a Consultant Do?
    • How Do You Select a Consultant?
  4. Build Your Intranet.(ch. 7)
    1. Determine and develop infrastructure needs.
    2. Determine security needs and implement security.
    3. Evaluate and select an Internet service provider.
    4. Select and install hardware and software.
    5. Plan for maintenance of your intranet.
  5. Create Your Audience. (ch. 8)
    1. Identify and select the tools (browsers) you will need.
    2. Determine how to deploy these tools to your users.
    3. Develop a plan for training and supporting users.
  6. Promote Your Intranet.
    1. Recruit web publishers
    2. Recruit an audience of users
    Steps: (ch 9)
    1. Build the demo
    2. Present the demo
  7. Create Widespread Enthusiasm and Capability -- The Role of the Intranet Team (ch 10)
    1. Why you need an intranet team and who should be on that team
    2. HOw the team works
    3. What the team's objectives are
    4. What impact the team has
  8. Make Your Intranet Pervasive.(ch 11)
    1. How do you make the intranet the universal user interface?
    2. What are the critical success factors?
    3. How do you measure the results?
  9. What Lessons Have We Learned, and Where Do We Go From Here? (ch. 12)

The Traditional Model or the Internet Model: To Bureaucratize or Not?

Use the Traditional Model if you need to build the infrastructure; use the Internet Model if the infrastructure already exists and the corporate culture supports this approach

Checklist: Ways to Sell the Intranet to Your Organization (Fig. 6.4)

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