Prologic Management Systems specializes in delivering innovative web-based business solutions for manufacturing and commercial clients that integrate Internet and intranet technologies and applications with LAN/WAN and existing computing environments. Its wholly-owned systems integrators, BASIS of California and Great River Systems of Minnesota, provide national and regional support. Send email to Prologic for additional information.

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  A cost-effective alternative to proprietary software, Order Inquiry is easily customized for individual company needs. It helps companies increase responsiveness to customers by simplifying and making more accessible critical customer order information. Any authorized employee with Netscape Navigator can use an Order Inquiry form to easily check orders by item number, order number, or customer number. Users can also query delivery schedules and shop floor detail, with results displayed in an easy-to-read table format. Results include customer purchase order number, order number, order date, quantity ordered, quantity shipped, price, quantity back-ordered, and dollar amount back-ordered. Companies can also extend access to customers for checking their own orders, thus reducing sales administration overhead.

User Profile
External and internal sales staffs.

Of Interest to Developers

  • Order Inquiry is modeled after full-featured manufacturing and distribution systems developed by Prologic.
  • It is easily modifiable to be a front end to any database supported by Netscape LiveWire Pro.
  • Installation instructions and additional details are included with the download.

    Order Status Inquiry's query by item offers flexible search options that result in a useful, dynamically generated report that summarizes customer and order information such as date, quantity, price, and back-orders.

    Corporate Sales: 415/937-2555; Personal Sales: 415/937-3777; Federal Sales: 415/937-3678
    If you have any questions, please visit Customer Service.

    Copyright © 1996 Netscape Communications Corporation