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Chapter 8 – Accessing External Data

  1. Data Presentation and Transfer Standards
    • ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange: universal standard for 7 & 8 bit codes
    • MIME - Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension: specifies additonal character sets, plus encoding for other forms of data
    • Postscript: language for encoding documents in plain ASCII test (primarily used for formatting documents for printers)
    • Portable Document Format (PDF): encoding done with Adobe Acrobat; read with a free Adobe Acrobat reader
    • HyperText Markup Language (HTML) - document encoding for presentation on the WWW

  2. Interpreting Addresses for Accessing External Data
    • IP address: ex.
    • domain name: ex.
    • URL (Uniform Resource Locator): ex.

  3. External Data Categories and Sources

  4. Accessing External Data Sources
    • External Connections
      • Point-of-Presence (dial-up)
      • VAN (Value-added Network): ex. CompuServe
      • ISP (Internet Service Provider)
      • firewall - monitors / blocks / isolates intranets from Internet
    • Data Access Interfaces
      • telnet
      • gopher
      • ftp
      • web browsers

  5. Methods for Accessing External Information
    • Internet and WWW
    • Remote Access Through a Local Computer (telnet): ex. everytime you connect to the VAX using QVTNet
    • File Transfer (FTP)
    • File Search and Transfer (archie, veronica, jughead)

  6. Locating Data Sources

  7. Searching Databases
    • AND / OR
    • wildcards (*, ?)

  8. Acquiring Data

  9. Planning and Stopping Rules in External Access - when to stop searching

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