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Chapter 12 - Developing Solutions Using Database Software

  1. Database Software and Personal Productivity
    1. database package knowledge applies to a wide range of software applications
    2. database package knowledge helps users understand the procedures used to access organizational and external data
    3. database package knowledge can be applied to building and managing individual files and databases (flat-files/multi-table databases)

  2. The "Make or Buy" Decision for Database Applications
    database package should have:
    1. facilities for defining database tables, relationships, and data fields
    2. mechanisms for storing and retrieving data
    3. input and data processing facilities
    4. output facilities
    Personal Database Applications and Solution Approaches
    Application Area Using DatabaseSolution Approach
    Keep track of business contactsPIM
    Track documents, books, and other referencesBilbiography package
    Keep family records and photosGeneology package
    Maintain personal financial recordsPersonal Financial package
    Track personal property inventoryPersonal Inventory Manager package
    Provide accounting services for a small businessAccounting package

  3. Review of Database Concepts and Definitions
    1. The Relational Database
    2. Review of Database Terminology
      1. Database - integrated collection of related records or tables
      2. Entity - class of things about which to maintain data
      3. Entity instance - an individual occurence of the thing about which data items are stored
      4. Attribute - an individual data item
      5. Key attribute - a data item (or set of data items) that uniquely identifies an instance and differentiates it from all other rows in the table
      6. Relationship - a correspondence or association between entities
      7. Foreign key - a key attribute of one table stored as an attribute of another table

  4. The Input Interface
    1. Importing Data
    2. Entering Data Directly into Tables
      1. there is little or no error-checking
      2. the view represents a single database table
    3. Entering Data in Single-record Form
    4. Entering Data in Multiple-table Form

  5. Database Application Output
    1. Output Selection - Querying using SQL
    2. Output Organization - QBE, QBF
    3. Output Presentation
      1. Tables
      2. Forms
      3. Reports
        1. detail reports
        2. summary reports
        3. external documents (e.g. invoices)
        4. exception / variance reports
        5. analytic / statistical reports

  6. Macros and Custom Programs

  7. The Database Application Development Process
    1. Define Purpose of Application
      1. Why is the application needed?
      2. What problems will it address, or what questions will it answer?
      3. How will data be obtained to respond to the problems or questions?
      4. What kinds of analysis will be performed with the data?
      5. What are the documents and reports to be produced?
      6. How long will the database remain current and useful?
      7. How will the data be kept current and useful?
      8. Does the data needed already exist elsewhere?
      9. Will the contents of this database need to be coordinated with another database?
      10. Is it likely that the content of this database will be extended in the future?
    2. Determine Tables in the Database
      1. What are the things about which I need information in order to perform activities in my tasks?
      2. What are the things about which I will make decisions or analyzes?
      3. What are the things that I need to track or monitor?
      4. What are the things about which I need information in order to author or persuade?
    3. Identify Attributes for Each Table
      1. What facts about the entity are important to activities?
      2. What attributes are needed for analysis, explanation, or presentation?
      3. Is this attribute related directly to the entity?
      4. Can this attribute be calculated from other data?
    4. Specify Table Keys
    5. Specify Keys for Table Relationships [1-1, 1-N, N-M]
    6. Analyze Tables and Table Relationships
      1. Is the attribute a fact that is of interest only for this entity (this table) or is it of interest beyond this entity?
      2. Can the attribute for an entity instance have multiple values?
    7. Create the Database Tables
      1. Plan names for tables and attributes
      2. Define each attribute
      3. Try out the newly defined database by entering a very small number of entity instances that illustrate the types of data expected in the database
    8. Design Input Forms and Procedures
    9. Design Queries and Reports

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