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MIS420-Chapter 6 Network Planning

Making a Network Plan

  1. Don't Rush through the planning phase
  2. Write down the network plan
  3. Let someone else read your network plan

Taking Stock

What you need to know

DOS - MSD (Microsoft Diagnostics) to the rescue!

Win 95 - Control Panel | System | Device Manager

Why Do You Need a Network, Anyway?

Three Basic Network Decisions You Can't Avoid

BND #1: What network operating system will you use?

BND #2: What arrangement of server computers will you use?

BND #3: How will you cable the network?

Networks to Go: Using a Network Starter Kit

Usually peer-to-peer, thinnet networks

A Sample Network Plan

  1. Ward's - 120MHz Pentium with 16MB RAM, 2GB hard disk, Win '95, Excel & Word, laser printer
  2. June's - 33MHz 486 with 4MB RAM, 300 MB hard disk, Win 3.1, Word, dot-matrix printer
  3. Wally's - 386 with 2 MB RAM & 80MB hard disk, Q&A database
  4. Beave's - 286 AT with 512K RAM & 20MB hard disk, modem for communicating with online service

Why the Cleavers need a network:

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