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MIS420-Chapter 17 Creating an Intranet

What is an Intranet?

Internal Internet

What Are Intranets Used For?

What You Need to Set Up an Intranet

  1. A LAN
  2. A web server (at least 16M RAM & 2 GB hard disk space)
  3. Web server software (requires network software)
    • Website
    • Netscape
    • IIS
    • Apache
    • Httpd
  4. Web authoring programs
    • Homesite
    • Word '97 or '95 and Internet Assistant
    • FrontPage
    • HoTMetaL
    • HTMLAssistant
  5. Web browsers
    • Netscape Navigator
    • Microsoft Internet Explorer
    • Sun HotJava
8 important issues to consider before building an intranet
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