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MIS420-Chapter 13 Network Performance

besides cost of equipment, there is performance cost

What Exactly Is a Bottleneck?

What Are the Ten Most Common Network Bottlenecks?

  1. CPU in the file server
  2. amount of memory in the file server
    Conventional Memory (first 640 K)
    Upper Memory (640K - 1 M) used mostly by I/O devices
    Expanded Memory (requires an expansion card)
    Extended Memory (everything beyond first M) used extensively by Windows
  3. file server's computer bus
    ISA (Industry Standard Architecture) - 8-16 bit bus introduced with the 286 [8 MHz]
    MCA (MicroChannel Architecture) - 32 bit bus developed for the PS/2 [10 MHz]
    EISA (Extended ISA) - 32 bit bus [8 MHz]
    PCI - 32 bit high-speed bus
  4. network card
  5. file server's disk drive
  6. file server's disk controller card
    ESDI (Enhanced System Device Interface)
    IDE (Integrated Drive Electronics)
    EIDE (Extended IDE) - allows faster and larger drives
    SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) - very high-speed; comes in 32 and 64 bit width
  7. configuration options setup for the server
  8. DOS!
  9. the network cable
  10. network devices

The Compulsive Way to Tune Your Network

  1. Establish a method for objectively testing ther performance of some aspect of the network (benchmark)
  2. Now, change one variable of your network configuration and rerun the test
  3. Repeat Step 2 for each variable you want to test

Tuning a Peer-to-Peer Server

don't tune until the system has been up and running first

Tuning a Windows 95 Server

Settings|Control Panel|System|Performance|File System|Typical -> Network Server

Tuning a Netware Server

Tuning a Client

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