Netscape FastTrack

An entry-level web server for building, publishing, and administration and architected to grow with the users needs.

 About FastTrack


 Developers can design applications that combine static and dynamic content, database access, and messaging. They can use C, C++, Java, and JavaScript for development, and HTTP
 for communication. These applications can also connect to data sources through ODBC.


 Netscape FastTrack Server incorporates a broad set of management tools that significantly
 reduce the cost of managing and maintaining multiple web sites, including distributed
  administration. Maintaining users and groups for access control is more flexible through the
 Internet-standard directory service (LDAP).

 Authors can easily publish documents to the server with the push of a button because the
 FastTrack server supports HTTP PUT. You also receive out of the box publishing capability with  NetscapeŽ Navigator Gold or the included copy of Netscape Communicator.

Installing FastTrack

To install FTGate you must first download it from the internet.  This is done by going to the
Netscape HomePage and choose the download option.  Choose to download FastTrack Web server, and follow the download instructions.   After the down load is complete you need to install  the program on your computer.  You find the file in the temp directory and double click on it, this will start the set-up process.  Follow the instruction through the set-up.

 Hot Links

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