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MIS382-Chapter 4 How Do You Use an Intranet?


  1. Intranet -- A Guide to "Intraprise-Wide" Computing
  2. Overview of Intranet usage
  3. Building an Intranet
  4. AT & T
  5. Bell Atlantic
  6. EDS
  7. JCPenney
  8. TI
  9. SAS
  10. Turner Broadcasting
  11. U.S. West Case Study
  12. Sandia Labs Case Study

Two approaches to discussing intranet uses:

  1. Technical (will be discussed on Fridays as part of "lab") READ:
    • Chapter 8 - Publishing on the Internet
    • Appendix E & F - Creating a Web Page using Microsoft Word
    • Appendix G - Creating a Web Page using HomeSite
  2. Process
    • Corporate internal home page
    • Communications processes
    • Support processes
    • Product development processes
    • Operational processes
    • Marketing and sales processes
    • Customer support processes

Corporate Internal Home Page

Communications Processes

  1. Organizational Communication (
    • Corporate newsletters, bulletins, news, and magazines
    • Business unit and departmental communications
    • Repositories of corporate information
  2. Interpersonal and Group Communication
    • Newsgroups
    • Chat
    • Videoconferencing

Support Processes

Product Development Processes

Operational Processes

Marketing and Sales Processes

Customer Support Processes

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