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MIS382-Chapter 2 Why Have Organizations Created Intranets and What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages?

Why Have Organizations Created Intranets?

54% of InfoWorld's 310,000 subscribers have or plan to have an intranet

Demands on Businesses Today

  1. Customer's want everything faster
  2. Customer's want everything cheaper
  3. Customer's want better-quality products and services
  4. Business has gone global
  5. All the rules have changed

How do Intrnaets Help Meet These Demands?

Advantages of Intranets

  1. Tangible benefits
    • fast and easy to implement
      1. server
      2. client / browser
      3. publishing and development
    • cheap to implement
    • easy to use
    • save time
    • provide operational efficiency
    • save cost
    • based on open standards
    • connect and communicate among disparate platforms
    • put users in control of their data
    • secure
    • scalable
    • flexible
    • provide the richness of multimedia
    • leverage your infrastructure and applications investment
  2. Intangible benefits
    • provide better communication
    • provide access to accurate information
    • capture and share knowledge and expertise
    • provide better coordination and collaboration
    • provide for creativity and innovation
    • provide new business opportunities
    • provide new business partnerships through access by suppliers and customers

Advantages of Intranets over Client/Server

two-tiered client/server vs. three-tiered client/server

Advantages of Intranets over Proprietary Groupware

workflow - software that facilitates the movement of work through processes

Groupware - software that facilitates interaction among people working together

Disadvantages and Risks of Intranets

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