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Chapter 9 - Foundations of Relational Implementation

  1. Defining Relational Data
    • Review of Terminology
      • A relation is a table
        1. entries are single valued
        2. all entries in a column (attributes) are of the same kind; each attribute has a domain (physical & logical description)
        3. no two rows(tuple) are identical
      • Confusion Regarding the Term Key
        1. logical key - one or more columns that uniquely identify a row in a relation
        2. physical key - column on which the DBMS builds an index
      • INDEXES (physical key) - used
        1. allows rows to be quickly accessed
        2. facilitate sorting rows
        3. to remove duplicates
    • Implementing a Relational Database
      1. Defining the Database Structure to the DBMS
        1. Using a data definition language (DDL)
        2. Using a GUI like MS Access
      2. Allocating Media Space
      3. Creating the Database Data

  2. Relational Data Manipulation
    • Categories of Relational Data Manipulation Language
      1. relational algebra - defines operators that work on relations
      2. relational calculus - nonprocedural language used for relational data manipulation
      3. transform-oriented languages - SEQUEL, SQL
      4. query-by-example and query-by-form
    • DML Interfaces to the DBMS
      • Data Manipulation by Means of Forms
      • Query/Update Language Interface (SQL)
      • Stored Procedure Interface (batch files)
      • Application Program Interface (API) - uses 3GLs

  3. Relational Algebra
    • Relational Operators
      1. JUNIOR(Snum, Name, Major)
      2. HONOR-STUDENT(Number, Name, Interest)
      3. STUDENT(SID, Name, Major,GradeLevel, Age)
      4. CLASS(Name, Time, Room)
      5. ENROLLMENT(StudentNumber, ClassName, PositionNumber)
      6. FACULTY (FID, Name, Department)
      • UNION - (A + B): adding tuples from two relations to form a third [union compatible - same number of attributes from the same domain]
      • DIFFERENCE (A - B): relation where the tuples are in A but not B
      • INTERSECTION: relation containing tuples that are in both A and B
      • PRODUCT (AxB): concatenation of every tuple of one relation with every tuple from the second relation
      • PROJECTION (vertical subset): operation that selects specified attributes from a relation [ex. STUDENT[Major, GradeLevel]
      • SELECTION (horizontal subset): operation that selects specified tuples from a relation
      • JOIN (combination of product, selection, and possibly projection)
    • Expressing Queries in Relational Algebra
      1. What are the names of all students? (STUDENT[Name])
      2. What are the student numbers of all students enrolled in a class? (ENROLLMENT[StudentNumber])
      3. What are the student numbers of all students not enrolled in a class? (STUDENT[SID] - ENROLLMENT[StudentNumber])
      4. What are the numbers of students enrolled in the class BD445? (ENROLLMENT WHERE ClassName = 'BD445' [StudentNumber])
      5. What are the names of the students enrolled in class BD445? (STUDENT JOIN (SID = StudentNumber) ENROLLMENT WHERE ClassName = 'BD445' [STUDENT.Name])
      6. What are the names and meeting times of 'PARKS' classes? (STUDENT WHERE Name='PARKS' JOIN (SID = StudentNumber) ENROLLMENT JOIN (ClassName = Name) CLASS [CLASS.Name, Time])

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