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Chapter 15 - Sharing Enterprise Data

  1. Database Administration
    1. Need for Data Administration - analogous to library
    2. Challenges of Data Administration
      • Many types of data exist
      • Basic categories of data are not obvious
      • The same data can have many names
      • The same data can have many descriptions and formats
      • Data are changed--often concurrently
      • Political--organizational issues complicate operational issues
    3. Functions of Data Administration
      • Marketing
        • communicate existence of data administration to organization
        • explain reason for existence of standards, policies, and guidelines
        • describe in a positive light the services provided
      • Data Standards
        • establish standard means for describing data items. Standards include name, definition, description, processing restrictions, and so forth
        • establish data proponents
      • Data Policies
        • establish organizationwide data policy (security, data proponency, distribution)
      • Forum for Data Conflict Resolution
        • establish procedures for reporting conflicts
        • provide means for hearing all perspectives and views
        • have authority to make decision to resolve conflict
      • Increasing the Return on the Organization's Data Investment
        • focus attention on value of data investment
        • investigate new methodologies and technologies
        • take proactive attitude toward information management

  2. Downloading Data (download large quantities of enterprise data to departmental and user computers for local processing
    1. Universal Equipment Company Example
      • AD(Name, Agency, DateCreated, AD-APPEARANCE, PRODUCT)
      • PRODUCT(Quota, Name{QuotaDate, QuotaAmt}, Sale{SalesPeriodDate, SalesAmt}, AD, PRODUCT-LEAD)
      • AD-APPEARANCE(AdID{Publication, Date}, AD, PRODUCT-LEAD)
      • PRODUCT-LEAD(ProductLeadID{CustPhone, Date}, CustomerName, PRODUCT, AD-APPEARANCE)
    2. Download Process (see Figure 15-4) [Every Monday, Marketing updates SALES, QUOTA, and PRODUCT-LEAD tables on the file server.
    3. Potential Problems in Processing Downloaded Databases
      • Coordination (local vs. main database)
      • Consistency (need to ensure that main database is not changed)
      • Access Control
      • Computer Crime
    4. File-Sharing and Client-Server Alternatives

  3. Data Warehouses - store of enterprise data that is designed to facilitate management decision making (includes data, tools, procedures, training, personnel, and other resources to make access to the data easier and more relavent to decision makers)
    1. Components of a Data Warehouse
      • data extraction tools
      • extracted data
      • metadata of warehouse contents
      • warehouse DBMS(s)
      • warehouse data management tools
      • data delivery programs
      • end-user analysis tools
      • user training courses and materials
      • warehouse consultants
    2. Requirements for a Data Warehouse
      • Queries and reports with variable structure
      • User-specified data aggregation
      • User-specified drill down (disaggregate)
      • Graphical output
      • Integration with domain-specific programs
    3. Challenges for Data Warehouse
      • Inconsistent Data (what if data is from two different sources or at two different times : need metadata to control timing and domain
      • Tool Integration [spreadsheets vs. databases vs/ financial planning packages]
      • Lack of Warehouse Data Management Tools [expensive & difficult to write]
      • Ad Hoc Nature of Requirements
    4. Data Marts [restricted data warehouse]

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