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Chapter 9 - Using Data Flow Diagrams

  1. The Data Flow Approach to Requirements Determination

    Advantages of the Data Flow Approach

    1. Freedom from committing to the technical implementation of the system too early.
    2. Further undrstanding of the interrelatedness of systems and subsystems.
    3. Communicating current system knowledge to users through data flow diagrams.
    4. Analysis of aproposed system to determie if the necessary data and processes have been defined.

    Conventions Used in Data Flow Diagrams

    1. Assign the name of the whole system, when naming a high-level process, i.e. INVENTORY CONTROL SYSTEM.
    2. To name a major subsystem, use a name like INVENTORY REPORTING SUBSYSTEM.
    3. Use a verb-adjective-noun format for detailed processes.
    4. Use a noun or adjective-noun for entities and data stores.
  2. Developing Data Flow Diagrams

    1. Make a list of business activities and use it to determine various
      • external entities
      • data flows
      • processes
      • data stores
    2. Create a context diagram which shows external entities and data flows to/from the system. Do not show any detailed processes or data stores.
    3. Draw diagram 0, the next level. Show processes, but keep them general. Show data stores at this level.
    4. Create a child diagram for each of the processes in Diagram 0.
    5. Check for errors and make sure the labels you assign to each process and data flow are meaningful.
    6. Develop a physical data flow diagram from the logical data flow diagram. Distinguish between manual and automated processes, describe actual files and reports by name, and add controls to indicate which processs are complete or errors occur.
    7. Partition the physical data flow diagram by separating or grouping parts of the diagram in order to facilitate programming and implementation.
  3. Logical and Physical Data Flow Diagrams

    Design FeaturesLogicalPhysical
    What the model depictsHow the business operatesHow the system will be implemented (or how the current system operates)
    What the processes representBusiness activitiesPrograms, program modules, and manual processes
    What the data stores representCollections of data, regardless of how the data is storedPhysical files and databases, manual files
    Type of data storesShow data stores representing permanent data collectionsMaster files, transaction files. Any processes that operate at two different times must be connected by a data store.
    Systems controlsShow business controlsShow controls for validating input data, for obtaining a record (record found status), for ensuring successful completion of a process, and for system security (i.e. journal records)

    Developing Logical Data Flow Diagrams

    1. better communication with users
    2. more stable systems
    3. better understanding of the business by analysts
    4. flexibility and maintenance
    5. elimination of redundancies and easier creation of the physical model

    Developing Physical Data Flow Diagrams

    1. clarifying which processes are manual and which are automated
    2. describing processes in more detail than do logical DFDs
    3. sequencing processes that have to be done in a particular order
    4. identifying temporary data stores
    5. specifying actual names of files and printouts
    6. adding controls to ensure the processes are done properly
  4. Partitioning Data Flow Diagrams

    reasons for partitioning DFDs
    1. partition if different user groups
    2. partition if processes execute at different times
    3. combine if two processes perform similar tasks
    4. combine for efficient processing
    5. combine for consistency of data
    6. partition for security reasons
  5. A Data Flow Diagram Example - FilmMagic [Fig. 9-13, 9.14, 9.15]

  6. Creating a Physical Data Flow Diagram [Fig. 9.16, 9.17, 9.18]

  7. A Second Data Flow Diagram Example - World's Trend Catalog Division [Fig. 9.20, 9.21, 9.22, 9.23, 9.24]

  8. Using Data Flow Diagrams

    - when to stop?


Exercises (pg. 273): Problems #1, 4(due - noon Oct. 20, 1998)
e-mail your answers to
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