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Chapter 4 - Sampling and Investigating Hard Data

  1. Sampling
    • The Need for Sampling
      Reasons for selecting a sample:
      1. containing costs
      2. Speeding up the data gathering
      3. Improving effectiveness
      4. Reducing bias
    • Sampling Design
      1. Determine the data to be collected or described.
      2. Determine the population to be sampled.
      3. Choose the type of sample [convenience sample, purposive sample, simple random sample, complex random sample]
      4. Decide of the sample size.
    • The Sample Size Decision
      1. Determine the attributes you will be sampling.
      2. Locate the database or reports where the attribute can be found.
      3. Examine the attribute. Estimate p, the proportion of the population having the attribute.
      4. Make the subjective decision regarding the acceptable interval estimate, i.
      5. Choose the confidence level and look up the cofidence coefficient (z value) in a table.
      6. Calculate the standard error of the proportion.
      7. Determine the necessary sample size, n.
  2. Kinds of Information Sought in Investigation
    • Types of Hard Data
      • Analyzing Quantitative Documents
        • Reports used for decision making.
        • Performance reports.
        • Records.
        • Data capture forms.
      • Analyzing Qualtitative Documents
        • Memos
        • Signs on bulletin boards or in work areas
        • Corporate web sites
        • Manuals
        • Policy handbooks
    • Abstracting Data from Archival Documents


Exercises: (due - noon Sept. 15, 1998)
e-mail to your answers to the following problems: 3,5

turn in on Sept. 15th a solution to Group Project 1 (this may be completed in a small group of 3 to 4 students)
Explore the MRE HyperCase company and e-mail the answers to the questions on page 100[This can be done in a group of 2-3]

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