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Chapter 8 - Prototyping

  1. Kinds of Information Sought
  2. Initial User Reactions
    • User Suggestions
    • Innovations
    • Revision Plans
  3. Approaches to Prototyping
    • Kinds of Prototypes
      • Ptached-Up Prototype - system works but is patched together
      • Nonoperational Prototype - nonworking scale model
      • First-of-a-series Prototype - pilot
      • Selected Features Prototype - operational model that includes some but not all features (usually modular)
    • Prototyping as an Alternative to the Systems Development Life Cycle
      • SDLC takes a long time to go through all phases
      • user requirements change over time
  4. Developing a Prototype
    • Guidelines for Developing a Prototype
      1. Work in manageable modules
      2. Build the prototype rapidly (RAD tools)
      3. Modify the prototype in successive interations
      4. stress the user interface
    • Disadvantages of Prototyping
      • Managing the Project
      • Adopting an Incomplete System as Complete
    • Advantages of Prototyping
      • Changing the System Early in its Development
      • Scrapping Undesirable Systems
      • Designing a Systems for Users' Needs and Expectations
  5. Users' Role in Prototyping
    • Interaction with the Prototype
      1. Experiementing with the prototype
      2. Giving open reactions to the prototype
      3. Suggesting additions to and/or deletions from the prototype
    • Prototyping and the "Year 2000 Crisis"

Exercises: (due - noon Oct. 8, 1998)
e-mail to your answers to the following problems: #3 on page 218

turn in on Oct. 8th a solution to Group Project # (this may be completed in a small group of 3 to 4 students)
Explore the MRE HyperCase company and e-mail the answers to the questions on page 216[This can be done in a group of 2-3]

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