CS456/556 - Internet Services Final Exam Study Guide

Test Format - Take-home (Questions will be posted on Thursday, Dec. 2 at 5 p.m.; all answers must be e-mailed by 5 p.m. Dec. 9th to summers_wayne@ColumbusState.edu)

Study Material


  1. Chapter 1 - The Internet Has Arrived
    PART I    Introduction To Networking
  2. Chapter 2 - Telephones Everywhere
  3. Chapter 3 - The World Was Once Analog
  4. Chapter 4 - The Once and Future Digital Network
  5. Chapter 5 - Basic Communications
  6. Chapter 6 - The Local Area Network Arrives
    PART II    Brief History Of The Internet
  7. Chapter 7 - Internet: The Early Years
  8. Chapter 8 - A Decade of Incredible Growth
  9. Chapter 9 - The Global Internet
  10. Chapter 10 - A Global Information Infrastructure
    PART III    How The Internet Works
  11. Chapter 11 - Packet Switching
  12. Chapter 12 - Internet: A Network of Networks
  13. Chapter 13 - IP: Software To Create A Virtual Network
  14. Chapter 14 - TCP: Software For Reliable Communications
  15. Chapter 15 - Clients + Servers = Distributed Computing
  16. Chapter 16 - Names For Computers
  17. Chapter 17 - Why The Internet Works Well
    PART IV    Services Available on The Internet
  18. Chapter 18 - Electronic Mail
  19. Chapter 19 - Bulletin Board Services (Network News)
  20. Chapter 20 - File Transfer (FTP)
  21. Chapter 21 - Remote Login (TELNET)
  22. Chapter 22 - Browsing The World Wide Web
  23. Chapter 23 - World Wide Web Documents (HTML)
  24. Chapter 24 - Advanced Web Technologies
  25. Chapter 25 - Automated Web Search (Search engines)
  26. Chapter 26 - Audio and Video Communication
  27. Chapter 27 - The Global Digital Library
Guide to IIS
  1. Chapter 1 - Introducing MS IIS 4.0
  2. Chapter 2 - IIS 4.0 Architecture
  3. Chapter 3 - Installing IIS
  4. Chapter 4 - Configuring the WWW Service
  5. Chapter 5 - Configuring the FTP Service
  6. Chapter 6 - IIS Security
  7. Chapter 7 - Enhancing Security Through Authentication and Encryption
  8. Chapter 8 - Virtual Directories, Virtual Servers, and Active Server Pages
  9. Chapter 9 - Managing and Tuning IIS

Terms / Concepts

analog/digital communicationsASCIILANWAN
ARPANETbackbone networkTCP/IP Internet Protocol SuiteTCP/IP
RFCsOpen SystemsprotocolsUNIX
IABIEFTIP addressesDomain Names
packet switchingroutersCSU/DSUe-mail
headersdiscussion groupsBBSsNetwork News
bandwidth throttlingcertificatesfirewallISP
JavaScriptMMCOption PackService Pack
PWSIISpersistent connectionRAS
intranetextranetExchange ServerFrontpage
ApacheUnixanonymous useraccess permission
connectiondirectory browsingevent loggingconnection timeout
encryptionstreaming audio / videodigital signature
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