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Chapter 24 - Advanced Web Technologies

  1. Introduction
  2. Conventional Web Pages Are Static
  3. How A Server Stores Static Web pages
  4. Fetching Items One At A Time
  5. Conventional Web Pages Use The Entire Screen
  6. A Web Page Can Change Part Of The Screen
  7. The Web, Advertising, And Frames
  8. Static Documents Have Disadvantages
  9. Controlling How A Browser Processes Data
  10. Plugins Allow Variety
  11. A Server Can Compute A Web Page On Demand
  12. How CGI Works
  13. Professional Programmers Build CGI Programs
  14. CGI And Advertising
  15. Web Pages Can Interact
  16. A Web Page Can Display Simple Animations
  17. Active Documents Are More Powerful
  18. Java Is An Active Document Technology
  19. The Importance Of Advanced Web Technologies

Advanced HTML

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