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CS458/558 - Network Management - Lab 5

(Due before 5 p.m. MST on Mar. 3, 2000)

The following assignment is intended to provide you with experience in working with the managing of an NT servers. This assignment requires the following diagrams of the Administration Building used in Labs 2 & 3. You may do this assignment in groups of 2 students.
Admin. Building First Floor     Admin. Building Second Floor

Using the Netman server in SH109, complete the following
  1. Set up two accounts for yourself. Use User Manager to set up the first account and use the Account Setup Wizard for the second. Answer the following questions:
    1. Should these accounts be restricted to particular workstations? Why or why not?
    2. Would it be useful to have logon scripts? Why or why not?
    3. Would it be useful to create profiles for these accounts? Why or why not?
    4. Do you plan to establish home directories? If so, explain your plan.
    5. Which tool is easier, User Manager or Setup Wizard? Explain.

  2. Using the accounts you created in #1, practice the following and record where you completed the task:
    TaskWhere Completed
    Expire an account
    Disable an account
    Set up account lockout for seven bad logons
    Add an account to the Backup Operators group
    Grant the account rights to log on locally
    Restrict the account from remote access
    Change the account's password

  3. Create a directory from the root directory with your name in it. Explain what tool you used to create the directory. Complete the following tasks on the directory and briefly explain the steps you took to complete each task.
    TaskExplanation of How the Task was Completed
    Hide the directory and then un-hide it
    Check the default permissions already assigned and report what they are
    Remove access to the directory for the group Everyone
    Assign a permission level of add & read to a group other than Everyone
    Change the add & read permission level and assign the permission of execute only
    Share the directory on the network, but limit it to two users at a time
    Assign the read permission to the share
    View the direcory on the network to be sure it is available as a share
    Practice taking ovwnership of the directory, even though you already own it
    Make the directory read-only and then try to delete it

  4. Bob Watson is purchasing four new laser printers for the administrative users in the Admin. Building. He wants to make one printer available for the president, giving Steve Gaudio capability to use the printer as well. Another printer will be shared by the vice-presidents. The third is to be shared by the business units under Reuben Asimow, and the four will be shared by the Student Servers staff and the registrar, who work for Howard Victor. Study your network design for the Admin. Building. Describe where you would put the four new laser printers. Answer the following general questions about how you would set up the printers.
    1. Would you create any new groups for the printers, or would you try to use the groups already in existence? What printer share permissions would each group have?
    2. Would you designate users as Print Operators?
    3. Would you attach any of the printers to the server?
    4. Would you recommend that Bob purchase print server cards for any of the printers?
    5. Would you recommend sharing any existing printers?

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written by Wayne Summers